We don’t charge a reference fee when you apply to rent with us. You will need to pay one weeks rent as a holding fee when you apply to rent a property. This money is then used as part-payment towards your first monthly rent.
We don’t charge for any renewals of tenancy or if you move away from us and need a reference for your new property.
If you request that your tenancy needs changing or varying you will be charged a fee of £50 plus vat. A charge may also be payable if you wish to surrender your tenancy early.
If rent is not paid during your tenancy, then we do reserve the right to charge you interest at 3% above the Bank of England rate. These charges start accruing 14 days after the due date and will be charged for the whole period that your rent remains outstanding.
Full details about the holding fee will be provided with our application to rent form and are available on request.
See our Services and Charges page for more information.